SRY, but these genes don’t fit!
THE SRY GENE! It is my favorite gene to pick on. Do you think just because I have Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome I should pick between aminoacid residues 688 and 712, 739 and 784, and 827 and 870 (source)? Nope, it’s all about SRY.
Are you not a fangirl, fanboy, or fanperson of the SRY gene? Well, let me give you the background on why if you have androgen insensitivity syndrome, this should be a gene on your radar!
What is the SRY Gene?
SRY is the sex determining gene! (source) For us who are intersex, this is partially interesting since we are between the sexes.
Where does the SRY Gene Live?
It lives on the Y Chromosome.
What does it do?
The presence of the SRY gene triggers the formation of the testes.
What does that have to do with me, someone with AIS?
When you have androgen insensitivity syndrome, you have XY chromosomes and internal testes. These testes produce androgens which your body is either completely, partially, or mildly insensitive to. Depending on your body’s insensitivity to androgen, the androgen can express itself physically in various ways through sex organs and body hair.
Why do you like the SRY Gene?
It’s not that I like the SRY gene, I just think it’s interesting! Our AIS bodies don’t understand androgens, but they still have XY chromosomes, so genes like SRY are still able to work. The SRY gene is the reason why we have testes. I believe it is important to learn all we can about our bodies and the genetics behind them, including the crucial role the SRY gene plays in our early development.
SRY not SRY for what I said. I'm just tryna have some fun.